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Who am I? | Wie is ek?

Time to put a face with the page! 😁 My name is Elizna. I am 22 years old (last of the 90's babies). I studied Foundation Phase Education at the North-West University and finished my studies this year. ✔

In 2022 I will start as a Grade 1 teacher.

I am married to one of the kind hearted people I know. He is an absolute support system for me in this! ❤

My goals for 2022 and this page: 📍To educate people as much as I can. 📍Be a voice for those that struggle. 📍Do a therapy course with Stark and Griffin Dyslexia Academy 📍LEARN, LEARN, LEARN!!!


Tyd om 'n gesig by die bladsy te sit! 😁

My naam is Elizna. Ek is 22 jaar oud (laaste van die 90's baba's). Ek het Grondslagfase Onderwys studeer by die Noordwes Universiteit en het hierdie jaar klaar gemaak met my studies. ✔

In 2022 gaan ek begin as 'n Graad 1 onderwyseres.

Ek is getroud met die goedhartigste man. Hy is 'n absolute ondersteuning in hierdie pad van my. ❤

My doelwitte vir hierdie bladsy en 2022: 📍Om soveel as moontlik mense bewus te maak. 📍'n Stem te wees vir die wat sukkel. 📍'n Kurus by Stark and Griffin Dyslexia Academy te doen. 📍LEER, LEER, LEER!!!

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