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Wat is Grandes Mentes? | What is Grandes Mentes?

Grandes Mentes is die Spaanse vertaling vir “great minds”. Ek het ‘n naam gesoek wat betekenis vir elke liewe mens kan hê. Kom ons begin by die begin: ek het al met baie mense gepraat wat dink dat dinge soos ADHD, outisme, disleksie ens. net ‘n “kop ding” is. Sinne wat ek gereeld hoor is goed soos: “Nee man, die kind kort net ‘n goeie pakslae.” of “Die kind is bederf, dis hoekom hy/sy so tantrums gooi.” en dan die ergste van alles “ Jy is net nie slim genoeg nie.”

Wat mense nie besef nie is dat elkeen van daardie sê goed so vassteek by die kind dat dit hul hele selfbeeld kan breek. Dit bly by hulle en dit is wat hulle van hulself glo, dikwels vir die res van hul lewens.

My doel is om die vooropgestelde idees van mense te verander in die idee dat kinders wat Leerder Ondersteuning nodig het GREAT MINDS het. Kinders wat deel is van hierdie spektrum is altyd baie geniaal. Hulle gee as te ware ons wêreld ‘n lieflike klomp geure en kleure. Hulle floreer op ander vlakke as wat ons gewoond is en dit gee hulle, hulle “great minds”.


Grandes Mentes is the Spanish words for “great minds”. I looked for a name that will have meaning for everyone. Let us begin at the start: I’ve spoken to a lot of people that has the idea that things like ADHD, autism, dyslexia etc. is “all in your head”. Things that I’ve heard before are “This child just need a good old hiding.” or “The child is just spoiled, that’s why he/she is throwing tantrums” and the worst of them all “You just aren’t clever enough.”

What people don’t realise is, when you say things like that to a child, it sticks to them. It can even break that child’s self-image. It becomes the thing they believe about themselves.

My goal is to change these preconceived ideas to the idea that children that needs Learner Support have GREAT MINDS. Children that is on this spectrum is always geniuses. They give the world a whole lot of colour. They thrive on other levels that we are used to and that is what gives them their “great minds”.

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Henk Mulder
Henk Mulder
Jul 21, 2021

Welgedaan, super trots op jou. Maak ñ verskil in die wereld.

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