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ADHD mites | ADHD myths

Wow, hoe baie het ek nie al een van die teëgekom nie. Wanneer ek "is adhd" in die Google soektog in tik is, "is adhd real" heel bo aan die lysie. Kyk hier na die volgende 6 mites wat daar is oor ADHD (CHADD).

  1. ADHD is nie regtig nie

  2. Net kinders kan dit hê

  3. ADHD word oor gediagnoseer

  4. Kinders met ADHD word oorbehandel

  5. ADHD word veroorsaak deur swak opvoeding deur die ouers

  6. Meisies kry nie so maklik ADHD soos seuns nie en dis ook nie so erg nie

Mense is baie lief daarvoor om die idee van ADHD net af te skiet. As ek dit ignoreer sal dit kind hom/haarself beter gedra ne? Mense, mense.. Dit maak die probleem soveel erger. Die laaste bietjie verstaan word net so by die venster uitgegooi.

Dink net as jy 'n kopseer het, maar jy kry nie medikasie daarvoor nie. Naderhand word jy so gefrustreerd, want dit wil nie weg nie, jy weet nie wat jy voel nie en die mense rondom jou wil nie HOOR dat jy nie lekker voel nie.

Nou raak jy kwaad, want mense verstaan nie dit wat binne jou ingaan nie. Om dit alles te verger raak die mense wat met jou werk ook kwaad. Nou is julle kwaad vir mekaar. Hoeveel makliker sou dit nie net wees as daardie iemand na jou geluister het en vir jou hulp aangebied het? As hulle jou geglo het dat jy nie lekker voel nie?

Is dit regtig 'n mite?

Daar word al van 1775 geskryf oor ADHD. Dit is darem maar 'n verskriklike lang tyd om met iets wat opgemaak is, vol te hou. Tot en met 2015 is daar al meer as 10 000 kliniese en wetenskaplike publikasies gemaak oor ADHD. Daar is selfs al studies oor die brein van iemand met ADHD gedoen. Daardie breinskanderings kan seker nie ook opgemaak word nie?

Die hoof rede waarom mense dink dat net kinders ADHD kan hê, is omdat dit net kinders is wat gewoonlik gediagnoseer word. Volwassenes weet nie noodwendig altyd dat hulle dit het nie. Hulle weet ook al hoe om dit wat hulle voel, onder beheer te kry. Dit beteken egter glad nie dat net kinders gediagnoseer kan word daarmee nie.

ADHD word ook nie oorgediagnoseer nie. Daar is eintlik 'n heel eenvoudige redenasie daar agter. Hoe meer studies daaroor gedoen word, hoe meer inligting word bekendgestel, hoe makliker is dit om dit te identifiseer. Met ander woorde, meer mense word gediagnoseer, omdat daar meer inligting gevind word (dankie tog!).

Swak opvoeding vanaf die ouers? Aikona. Ek wonder of mense weet hoe bitter baie moeite 'n ouer in sit met hulle ADHD-kind. As ek net aan my eie ervaring kan dink. Ek lees hierdie opmerking van 'n ouer raak:

"The hardest thing about ADHD is that it's 'invisible' to outsiders. People just assume that we are not being good parents and that our child is a brat, when they don't have an idea how exhausted we truly are." - S.C

Nou wat nou?

Ek dink dis maar soos enige ander "siekte", "afwyking" of "versteuring - jy glo nie dat dit regtig daar is tot jy persoonlik daarmee gekonfronteer word.

Moet ASSEBLIEF nie die tekens ignoreer as dit daar is nie, jou kind trek swaar. Of dit nou jou eie kind is of 'n leerder in jou klas. Hy/sy weet nie wat in hulle harte en koppe aan gaan nie en dit frustreer hulle. Hulle soek net iemand wat hulle kan help - en om dit wat hulle voel af te skiet help beslis nie.


Wow, how many times have I not encountered one of these. When I type "is adhd" in the Google search, "is adhd real" shows at the very top of the list. Take a look at the following 6 myths that exist about ADHD (CHADD).

  1. ADHD is not real

  2. Only children can have it

  3. ADHD is diagnosed over

  4. Children with ADHD are overtreated

  5. ADHD is caused by poor parenting

  6. Girls do not get ADHD as easily as boys and it is not as bad

People love to just shoot down the idea of ADHD. If I ignore it, will this child behave better? People.. It makes the problem so much worse. The last bit of understanding is just thrown out the window.

Imagine you have a headache, but you are not getting the proper medication for it. Eventually you get so frustrated because the headache is not going away, you do not know what you are feeling and the people around you do not want to HEAR that you are not feeling well.

Now you get angry because people do not understand what is going on inside you. To make matters worse, the people who work with you also get angry. Now you are angry with each other. How much easier would it have been just if that person listened to you and offered to help you? If they believed you when you told them that you are not feeling good?

Is it really a myth?

ADHD has been written about since 1775. After all, it's a terribly long time to keep up with something that has been made up. By 2015, more than 10,000 clinical and scientific publications had been made on ADHD. There have even been studies done on the brain of someone with ADHD. Surely those brain scans can not be made up too?

The main reason why people think that only children can have ADHD is because it is only children who are usually diagnosed. Adults do not necessarily always know they have it. They also already know how to bring what they feel under control. However, this does not mean that only children can be diagnosed with it.

ADHD is also not overdiagnosed. There is actually a very simple reasoning behind it. The more studies are done about it, the more information there is about ADHD, the easier it is to identify it. In other words, more people are diagnosed because more information is found (thank you!).

Poor parenting? Aikona. I wonder if people know how much effort parents put in with their ADHD child. If only I could think of my own experience. I read this comment from a parent:

"The hardest thing about ADHD is that it's 'invisible' to outsiders. People just assume that we are not being good parents and that our child is a brat, when they don't have an idea how exhausted we truly are." - S.C

What now?

I think it's just like any other "disease" or "disorder" - you do not believe that it is really until you are personally confronted with it.

PLEASE do not ignore the signs when they are there, your child is having a hard time. Whether it's your own child or a learner in your class. He / she does not know what is going on in their hearts and minds and it frustrates them. They're just looking for someone who can help them - and shooting down what they feel is definitely not helping.

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